1. open XD
  2. create a new custom artboard that is 500px by 500px
  3. create a black circle (using ellipse tool) that is 244px by holding down shift
  4. place black circle at x:126 y:76
  5. uncheck border box on black circle
  6. create white circle in same way as black circle but 73px
  7. remove border on white circle
  8. place white circle at x:177 y:167
  9. create another black circle in same manner at 14px and remove border
  10. place black circle at x:214 y:208
  11. click 14px black circle, hold down shift key, and click 73px white circle
  12. command+G on mac or control+G on pc to group
  13. command+c and command+v on mac or control+c or control+v on pc to copy and paste
  14. select pasted shape and place at x:272 y:167
  15. use line tool to create black shape (w:13 h:29 x:221.5 y:313.5 border size:5
  16. copy and paste black line
  17. select pasted black line and go to object>transform>flip vertically
  18. place transformed line at x:221 y:342.5
  19. using ellipse tool, create black shape with no border (w:27 h:6 x:215 y:369)
  20. select last three shapes and group
  21. copy and paste group and place at x:272 y:313.5
  22. go to file>export>all artboards...
  23. save as png, export for design, and export all artboards
  24. send png file to ahoang6@gmu.edu



